About Me

Oakland, California, United States
20's || Veggie || Art || Music || David Bowie

I'm an artist, I enjoy music, shows, veggie food and cemeteries. :) This has been my blog for years, there's some personal stuff and some random stuff. I will be attempting to use this a little more for personal venting.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

There's a place where everyone can be happy,

It's the most beautiful place in the whole fuckin' world!

....and you, painted my entire world
but I...don't have the turpentine to clean what you have soiled, and I won't forget it!

OKAY! I don't know what's been happening since my last post, I got fired, again!, saw Limnus in Stockton, met some awesome bands and made new friends! Been hanging out with Amber a lot and hitting up the city. Been spending time with someone special. ;) I have 1,100$ saved up for my car! Yeaaaaah! Hmmm, I feel like I have more to say, but I can't think right now. Haha. Oh well...? OH! Limnus is finally playing Gilman, FUCK YEEEEEEEEAH! Can't wait for the show! :)