About Me

Oakland, California, United States
20's || Veggie || Art || Music || David Bowie

I'm an artist, I enjoy music, shows, veggie food and cemeteries. :) This has been my blog for years, there's some personal stuff and some random stuff. I will be attempting to use this a little more for personal venting.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Puckering up and down some avenue of sin...

...Too cheap to ride...

Any who, I last blogged about alcohol...hah I'm so lame. But yeaaaaah been seeing a whole lot of seniors from my High School post about prom and all these fun events they have going on, kind of makes me wanna go back and do my senior year over. Especially graduation...FUCK MY GRADUATION. No one was fucking there....not even the person who motivated me to graduate...

Enough of that shit, we all know we can't go back in time and none of that will change...But anyways I get my paycheck this Friday OH HELL YYEEAAAAAAUUUHHH. Now I have to open up a bank account and all that jazz...ugh...Oh! I have my license now too, woooooh so I can drive and shit.

Been sick for 5 days now though, been puking everything I eat, I feel better now though, hopefully its gone soon. I'm tired of feeling this way. It hurts, it really does...

I always have a lot to type, but lately my brain doesn't let me put it all out there. Oh well I guess I'll try to blog about something interesting tomorrow...err technically today...

Looks like I lived another day, I wonder when my body is going to give up on me, life is interesting, it can go away in any second:

I survive, breathe on...

1 comment:

  1. I love that photo of you.
    And fuck bank accounts! I started my job like a month ago and have yet to open one, hahah.
